Thursday 3 September 2009

Thrust in me

by Richard Kern and Nick Zedd.


JG said...

haven't watched this in a while, always cracks me up!Must dig out the Kern video..

kier said...

it is hilarious. and boy does he look good in drag. there are a few more kerns on if you need more.

JG said...

Have you got that "hardcore" video, the collection of the Kern stuff?It's well worth a look. Has everything but "fingered"...if you have a VHS player I can sort you out with a copy if you like

kier said...

wow, could you really? i do have a vhs player and i would appreciate it so fucking much! i'm wondering if i've seen that tape, richard hell showed me a vhs tape with kern stuff and some zedd, plus a tv recording of an anchor shooting himself during a live press conference. richard said zedd made that tape for him though, so maybe not. but yeah, yes please.