Friday 6 March 2009

my favourite Teen Trash films!!! part 7

But I'm a cheerleader

I still know what you did last summer

i love how in this trailer, the worst thing that's come out of "Julie James"' having all her friends killed by a psycho killer is not the post-traumatic stress disorder, it's the fact that she's not been able to have good romantic relationships since. and by love i mean loathe. (luckily the film's not like that.)

I still know what you did last summer was on TCM two nights in a row, so i guess that means it's a classic now.

i'm stretching the term "teen films" to include horror films where teenage girls run around in blood-soaked white shirts. that's mainly a 90s thing.


asthmabunny said...

but I´m a cheerleader såg kjekk ut!!

kier said...

den e kjempefest!! eg tror du hadde likt den godt, sett an på må-sjå listå di!